
IDMA 62nd Annual Day & Vriddhi 2024

Dear Madams, Sirs, Ladies & Gentlemen,

I hope you are doing well.

I am grateful to you for honouring the Indian pharmaceutical industry and IDMA with your enthusiastic participation at vriddhi 2024 in FLAME University, Pune on 23-24 Feb 2024. IDMA, FLAME, and Bain & Company had the good fortune of welcoming you. Your commitment to IDMA and belief in the potential of the Indian pharmaceutical industry is deeply appreciated. The success of vriddhi 2024 is a testament to shared generosity, collaboration, and vision of all stakeholders.

You may access all panel/speaker videos through a YouTube playlist (Link) and photos through a Google Drive folder (Link). Further, it will be great to receive your anonymous feedback for IDMA (Form) to reflect upon for improvement as well as to carry forward success. We once again extend our profound gratitude to you for vriddhi 2024 and look forward to hosting and meeting you at another IDMA event.

Best wishes and thank you.

On behalf of Dr. Viranchi Shah (National President), Shri Mehul Shah (Hon. General Secretary and Chairman - vriddhi 2024), and self -

Daara B. Patel
Secretary-General- IDMA